Uzbekistan, Tashkent, July 6 / Trend D.Azizov /
Uzbek President Islam Karimov signed a decree to approve phases of the project to create a modern system of automatic control of technological processes on the transmission system (SCADA) based on the contract signed between Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co. and Uztransgaz.
The Chinese Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co. and Uztransgaz (a structural unit of Uzbekneftegaz) signed an agreement on development of automated process control systems (DCS, SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) for the gas transport system in Uzbekistan worth $77.47 million.
Under the contract, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co.will undertake the design, training, equipment supply, construction and installation works, starting-up and adjustment, and commissioning on a turnkey basis of objects of transmission system to the contract amount. The project will be implemented in several stages over 18 months.
Including, in the first stage of seven months the work will be carried put on site Gallyaral Tashkent. There will be laid fiber-optic communication line (fiber optic) with total length of 760.5 km and two compressor stations, 29 crane units, 36 gas distribution stations and 33 stations of cathodic protection will be connected to the management and control system.
Under the second phase of five months, the work will be carried pout on sites Kagan - Gallyaral and Mubarak-Zirabulak. A fiber-optic line with total length of 717.9 km will be built and three compressor stations, 29 crane units, 28 gas distribution stations and 78 stations of cathodic protection will be connected to the management and control system.
Under the fourth stage, the work will be carried pout on sites Mubarak - Shurtan in two months . A fiber-optic line length of 273.08 km will be laid and eight cranes, nine gas distribution stations and 16 cathodic protection stations will be connected to the management and control system.
The total cost of the project on "Provision of management and technological communication of Uztransgaz transmission system" is $81 million. The project will be funded via Uztransgaz in the amount of $7.4 million and Chinese Eximbank's loan worth $73.6 million.
The loan agreement with the Chinese Eximbank was signed in June 2010, during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Uzbekistan.
The loan granted for a period of 20 years with five-year grace period and annual interest rate of 2.5 percent. The loan will be refinanced through Uzpromstroybank open joint stock commercial bank.
Costs associated with repayment of loans and payment of interest and commissions on them will be at the expense of Uztransgaz's funds.
"Uztransgaz" will be exempted from payment of customs duties on imported equipment and materials acquired at the expense of Eximbank from Jan.1, 2012.
The Uztransgaz system has 13,274 km of gas mains, 24 gas compressor and 310 gas distribution stations, as well as three underground gas storage facilities with total capacity of 4,5 billion cubic meters.
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