Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Sept.22 / Trend, H. Hasanov /
Turkmen President Gurbanguli Berdimuhammadov signed a decree to dismiss Deputy Textile Minister Geldimirad Appov for the serious shortcomings in his work.
By another decree a strong reprimand was announced to Textile Industry Minister Aynabat Babayeva "for unsatisfactory fulfillment of her duties, weakening control over activity of subordinate departments".
Turkmenistan is expected to invest about $ 2 billion in textile industry under the adopted development program by 2020.
The country's every cotton planting region will have its processing capacity. These measures will help to open about 20,000 new jobs. Turkmenistan is among top ten raw cotton producers of the world.
During the years of independence hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in a comprehensive modernization of the sector infrastructure. Specialized service centers of Schlafhorst, Truetzschler, Uster and the others open in Ashgabat in order to provide
textile enterprises with spare parts.