
Turkmenistan discusses expanding co-op with Scandinavian states within EU framework

Turkmenistan Materials 23 May 2024 11:24 (UTC +04:00)
Aman Bakiyev
Aman Bakiyev
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ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, May 23. Turkmenistan discussed the expansion of cooperation with the Scandinavian states within the framework of the EU, Trend reports.

According to the Turkmen Foreign Ministry, these issues were discussed during a joint meeting between Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Myakhri Byashimova and the Ambassadors of Norway and Sweden in Ashgabat, John Mikal Kvistad and Tomas Danestad, respectively.

The purpose of the talks between the parties was to discuss the expansion of Turkmenistan's cooperation with the Scandinavian states within the framework of the EU, in particular in the context of the EU Global Gateway initiative.

During the meeting, the diplomats expressed interest in intensifying trade and economic cooperation and establishing closer contacts between the business circles of the countries.

Furthermore, the participants considered the promotion of cultural and humanitarian partnership to be an important aspect of the development of relations, among the possible joint projects, among which the organization of cultural days, exhibitions, and other large-scale events in the field of culture and art were considered.

Meanwhile, cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Scandinavian countries within the EU is developing on the basis of mutual interest in the fields of energy, trade, education, and sustainable development.

Turkmenistan, with significant natural gas reserves, attracts Scandinavian countries seeking to diversify energy sources and reduce dependence on traditional suppliers. In turn, the Scandinavian countries offer Turkmenistan advanced technologies and experience in the field of renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly technologies.

