
China hopes to boost cooperation with NAM states under Iran's presidency

Iran Materials 1 September 2012 10:28 (UTC +04:00)

Chinese Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu underlined his country's principled policy of coexistence with all the world nations, and strongly condemned unilateral sanctions against Iran, Fars reported.

The Chinese assistant foreign minister made the remarks in a meeting with Iran's top security official, Saeed Jalili, in a meeting held on the sidelines of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in the Iranian capital on Friday.

At the meeting, Ma Zhaoxu condemned unilateral sanctions against Iran, and laid emphasis on China's principled stance on the necessity of coexistence with the countries of all the world continents.

He further extended his felicitations to the Islamic Republic of Iran for taking up the leadership of the NAM, and expressed the hope that the NAM member states would boost cooperation with China under Iran's presidency.

Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Secretary Saeed Jalili, for his part, said Iran's presidency over the NAM provides an opportunity for China to increase cooperation with the movement in establishing fair relations at international levels.

He noted the claims raised by certain world powers about Iran's international isolation and the Untied States' failed efforts to dissuade the NAM member states from participating in the Tehran summit.

"Presence of two-third of the world countries at the highest level in Tehran and their consensus over Iran's responsibility for coordinating the international policies of 120 world countries is a clear indication of the United States' strategic isolation on the scene of world relations," he said.

Earlier on Friday, the Chinese top diplomat met with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, where he described the two countries' ties as "very good".

"We are eager to expand trade and economic relations and pave the ground for the expansion of the bilateral relations," Zhaoxu stated.

Salehi, for his part, said that Iran and China play complementary roles to each other, and noted, "Iran and China enjoy very good relations in all fields, and we are eager to further deepen and improve these ties."

Edited by: S. Isayev

