( PanARMENIAN ) - On February 27, the U.S. Embassy in Armenia began a three-day seminar on "Election Fraud and Related Corruption, International Standards, and Criminal Procedure Issues."
The Press Office of American Embassy told the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist that approximately 70 representatives of the Armenian Police, Prosecutor General's Office, Central Election Commission, Territorial Election Commission, Ombudsman's Office, and First Instance and Review courts are participating in the seminar series.
"Free and fair elections are not only a political commitment expressed by the Government of Armenia, but also an international legal obligation for Armenia under the European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court in Strasbourg. Election fraud undermines the social and political framework of a country," during the opening session, U.S. Charged Affaires Anthony F. Godfrey remarked.
As a follow up to the three-day seminar, the U.S. Mission will send six prosecutors and two Central Election Commission members to the United States for additional training.