
Georgian President presents plan to unite opposition in parliamentary election

Georgia Materials 27 May 2024 03:28 (UTC +04:00)
Georgian President presents plan to unite opposition in parliamentary election
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 27. Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili addressed the diplomatic corps, opposition leaders and supporters at her residence in Tbilisi in honor of the republic's Independence Day. She presented her plan to prepare for the upcoming parliamentary elections in October, calling it the "Georgian Charter", Trend reports.

Zurabishvili invited the leaders of pro-Western and pro-European parties to sign this charter and join forces to win the elections. She stressed that preparations for the elections must be peaceful.

"This is not the time for infighting between opposition parties and political ambitions. Therefore, I decided to present an action plan - the “Georgian Charter”, around which I propose to unite pro-European political parties," she said.

The President of Georgia noted that the upcoming elections will be a referendum “between the European and Russian future of Georgia.”

Zurabishvili's plan calls for early parliamentary elections that will be truly "free and fair" after the victory of the opposition forces in the elections in October

