Afghanistan, Kabul, 15 September/ Trend , corr M. Hatimi/ Regional police forces should be dispersed all over the country despite critics by MPs. Members of Afghani parliament strongly condemned Interior Ministry who plans to set up special detachments consisting of local people in order to secure peace and security in the country.
MPs said so-called "peace support forces" is a form of establishment of regional police where population perform the role of "eyes" and "ears". It will never work as the Ministry will not find skilled people for this job.
Interior Minister of Afghanistan Zarar Ahmad Muqbil announced on 11 September that the Ministry will be able to restore peace in the country as soon as special groups are set up.
"We will not choose people right from street. We will select officers at the advice of elders of tribes," said representative of the Ministry Zalmay Bashari.
Such methods have never proved to be efficient, MPs said.
Afghani President Hamid Karzai said, despite corruption, police do their work in a proper way. His comments were subject to critics by the MPs.
"The corruption is rife in police departments. President can not even control his own country," MP Hilaluddin Hilal said.
"Peacekeeping" forces will be selected from the local elders and their allies. They will be charged with informing police in case of violations in provinces.
Interior Ministry will provide people cooperating with police with mobile telephones and salaries.
The United States has agreed to allocate $2mln for this project.
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