( Cihan ) - In order to combat the PKK more efficiently, the army will transform its six existing commando brigades into professional units by the end of 2009, Turkish Land Forces Commander Gen. Эlker Basbug said told a televised news conference on Wednesday.
Basbug nade his remarks during a press conference held with Chief of Staff Gen. Yasar Buyukanit at a commando training camp in the southwestern town of Egirdir.
Thus, Turkish army will put an end to the practice of sending new conscripts to those units.
The statement followed a wave of public outrage over the deaths in clashes with the PKK of several young conscripts, raising questions on how well soldiers sent to the combat zone are trained.
At the same press conference, Gen. Buyukanit reiterated the need for a military incursion into northern Iraq, where the PKK terrorists are based, despite the government's unwillingness for such an action ahead of parliamentary elections set for July 22.