(usmagazine.com) - In the new issue of Playboy, Bruce Willis, 52, brings his trademark frankness to the interview, covering everything from booze, drugs, politics, and making out with Drew Barrymore. And you know how Willis gets props for welcoming his ex's new (much younger) hubby into the family? Turns out he did have some issues, after all. So he turned to Will Smith, who convinced the Live Free or Die Hard actor he should befriend Ashton Kutcher, 29. Excerpts from the Q(usmagazine.com) - In the new issue of Playboy, Bruce Willis, 52, brings his trademark frankness to the interview, covering everything from booze, drugs, politics, and making out with Drew Barrymore. And you know how Willis gets props for welcoming his ex's new (much younger) hubby into the family? Turns out he did have some issues, after all. So he turned to Will Smith, who convinced the Live Free or Die Hard actor he should befriend Ashton Kutcher, 29. Excerpts from the QOn his friendship with Ashton Kutcher: "In the luck of the draw I am fortunate to have Ashton in the family. It took a long time for people to wrap their minds around the fact that I could be friends with my ex-wife's new husband, but we are friends. We all go on vacations together. We hang out." "In the luck of the draw I am fortunate to have Ashton in the family. It took a long time for people to wrap their minds around the fact that I could be friends with my ex-wife's new husband, but we are friends. We all go on vacations together. We hang out." On Will Smith helping him get over his jealousy of Kutcher: "During some very dark hours he talked to me about it. He said, 'Dude, you've got to do whatever it takes to get the kids and all the spouses or the girlfriend together. You've got to show your kids it's okay.' It was like a light went on. Ding. So Will, thanks. And thanks for all those good movies you're making." "During some very dark hours he talked to me about it. He said, 'Dude, you've got to do whatever it takes to get the kids and all the spouses or the girlfriend together. You've got to show your kids it's okay.' It was like a light went on. Ding. So Will, thanks. And thanks for all those good movies you're making." On drinking and doing drugs: "I've gone full circle. I smoked weed, and my kids know that. I quit drinking for a chunk of time. ...It's a dangerous thing to say, 'Yes, I was in AA, and now I take a drink on occasion.' Hard-core AA people will say that's a bad message. I'm just telling you my experience." "I've gone full circle. I smoked weed, and my kids know that. I quit drinking for a chunk of time. ...It's a dangerous thing to say, 'Yes, I was in AA, and now I take a drink on occasion.' Hard-core AA people will say that's a bad message. I'm just telling you my experience." On talking to his kids about drugs: "Demi and I both have. We have an ongoing conversation. They have the gene, and we warn them: 'You have a predisposition to be an alcoholic.' It's on her side of the family and mine. It's something to be aware of. My kids are strongly antidrug." "Demi and I both have. We have an ongoing conversation. They have the gene, and we warn them: 'You have a predisposition to be an alcoholic.' It's on her side of the family and mine. It's something to be aware of. My kids are strongly antidrug." On gossip in Hollywood: "Gossip has become entertainment; it's a major part of a billion-dollar industry. Who's f--king who? I told an interviewer for Vanity Fair, 'Look, you want to know who I'm f--king.' He started laughing and said, 'Yeah, that is what we want to know.' I know that's what sells. I said, 'I know it sells, but I'm not going to tell you, because it's not any of your business.' I think actors should be left alone, which of course they never will be. But it's different for politicians. I expect a politician not to take a sh-t in the Oval Office for his four or eight years. That's not asking too much, is it? "Gossip has become entertainment; it's a major part of a billion-dollar industry. Who's f--king who? I told an interviewer for Vanity Fair, 'Look, you want to know who I'm f--king.' He started laughing and said, 'Yeah, that is what we want to know.' I know that's what sells. I said, 'I know it sells, but I'm not going to tell you, because it's not any of your business.' I think actors should be left alone, which of course they never will be. But it's different for politicians. I expect a politician not to take a sh-t in the Oval Office for his four or eight years. That's not asking too much, is it? On aging: "People have asked, 'Aren't you too old?' Nobody ever feels their age. In my heart I'm still 25. But I get that little knock every once in a while that says, 'You're not 25, kid.' That little creak you get when you get out of bed in the morning if you sleep wrong." "People have asked, 'Aren't you too old?' Nobody ever feels their age. In my heart I'm still 25. But I get that little knock every once in a while that says, 'You're not 25, kid.' That little creak you get when you get out of bed in the morning if you sleep wrong." On injured vets returning from Iraq: "I say give them all a million dollars. If you serve your country and get blown up and you're in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or you lose an arm, you should be taken care of. How about no more paying taxes for them? Politicians never have problems voting themselves raises. How about giving money to veterans and American Indians?" "I say give them all a million dollars. If you serve your country and get blown up and you're in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or you lose an arm, you should be taken care of. How about no more paying taxes for them? Politicians never have problems voting themselves raises. How about giving money to veterans and American Indians?" On being spotted making out with Drew Barrymore at a 2007 Golden Globes after party: "Drew and I are old friends. I hadn't seen her for a long time, and I gave her a kiss. There were other things going on in the room that night that weren't reported, things far racier than my giving Drew a kiss." "Drew and I are old friends. I hadn't seen her for a long time, and I gave her a kiss. There were other things going on in the room that night that weren't reported, things far racier than my giving Drew a kiss." On giving his daughters' boyfriends a hard time: "There were a couple of years when the girls were giving me sh-t about it. I wouldn't do anything demonstrative. I would just say, "I want to meet them...I don't need a shotgun. Just a look. My daughters will say, 'Dad, you're scaring them.' Me? Ashton has been a big help in this. He has a similar point of view."