
Strengthening cooperation between TITR countries boosts freight traffic - Azim Ibrohim

Tajikistan Materials 29 January 2024 17:49 (UTC +04:00)
Alyona Pavlenko
Alyona Pavlenko
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, January 29. Strengthening cooperation between the countries through which the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (TITR) passes in the field of transport and logistics contributes to the expansion of opportunities for cargo transportation along this route, Tajikistan's Transport Minister Azim Ibrohim said during the Investors Forum on EU-Central Asia transport connectivity, Trend reports.

" Close cooperation in the transport and logistics sphere contributes to the expansion of opportunities for multimodal transit transportation through TITR with the involvement of the potential of all countries of this route. It is essential to develop infrastructure and transport networks to ensure efficient and reliable routes for freight and people movement," Ibrohim said.

The Minister also emphasized that Tajikistan welcomes the efforts of the EU, the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as other partners, aimed at creating reliable prerequisites for the sustainable development of transport transit corridors and between Central Asia and Europe.

" Over the years of effective interaction, we have laid a solid foundation for the development of mutually beneficial relations between Tajikistan and the EU. Due to Tajikistan's geographical location, it serves as a bridge between Southeast Asia, the Caucasus, and Europe. Highways and infrastructure under construction create the necessary conditions for turning the country into a transit hub," he said.

To note, the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR, or Middle Corridor) corridor links container rail freight transportation networks of China and European Union countries through Central Asia, the Caucasus, Türkiye, and Eastern Europe.

A multi-sided multimodal transport infrastructure links the Caspian and Black Sea ferry terminals with the railway systems of China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Türkiye, Ukraine, and Poland.

The middle corridor facilitates increased cargo traffic from China to Türkiye, as well as to European countries and in the opposite direction.

Meanwhile, a route train traveling along this corridor delivers cargo from China to Europe in an average of 20-25 days, and this is one of the main advantages of this transport corridor.

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