
Uzbek Central Bank discloses volume of liquid assets for 7M2022

Uzbekistan Materials 25 August 2022 17:19 (UTC +04:00)
Natavan Rzayeva
Natavan Rzayeva
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 25. Liquid assets of the banks of Uzbekistan increased by 1.8 times from January through July 2022 compared to the same period last year (56.5 trillion soums, or $5.2 billion), reaching 105.7 trillion soums ($9.7 billion), Trend reports referring to the Uzbek Central Bank.

During this period, liquid assets accounted for 21.3 percent of the total assets of the Uzbek banks, which is an increase of 4.7 percent compared to the same period of 2021 (14.6 percent).

The liquidity coverage ratio of Uzbek banks in the corresponding period amounted to 256.1 percent, which is an increase of 100.4 percent compared to the same period of 2021 (155.7 percent).

The net stable funding ratio amounted to 117.7 percent from January through July 2022, which is an increase of 2.6 percent compared to the specified period last year.

From January through July 2022, the instant liquidity ratio of Uzbek banks increased 1.2 times compared to the same period last year (89.2 percent), reaching 107.7 percent.


Follow the author on Twitter: @NatavanRzayeva5

