
Iran rejects talks on UAE claims on Iranian islands in Persian Gulf

Iran Materials 29 March 2013 05:34 (UTC +04:00)

Iranian delegation at 128th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) here Thursday rejected any call for negotiation on Iranian Islands of the Greater Tunb, the Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa baselessly claimed by United Arab Emirates (UAE), IRNA reported.

A member of Iranian delegation to the 128th Assembly of the IPU, Iranian Parliamentarian Halimeh Aali rejecting the calls for negotiation on the Iranian islands stressed in his lecture to the assembly that Tehran is ready for negotiation with neighboring countries in the Persian Gulf, but on boosting the neighborly ties.

Moaied Hosseini Sadr headed the Iranian delegation to 128th IPU Assembly in Quito, Ecuador which was held from 22 - 27 March 2013. The key theme for the 128th Assembly was "From unrelenting growth to purposeful development "Buen Vivir": New approaches, new solutions" which focused on ensuring a balanced approach to development which accounts for the well-being of communities and individuals. This debate also focused on the IPU's efforts to ensure that democratic governance is factored into the emerging post-2015 development framework.

The 6-day conference also included Committee discussions on the role of parliament in safeguarding civilians' lives through enforcing the responsibility to protect fair trade and innovative financing mechanisms for sustainable development and the use of media, including social media, to enhance citizen engagement and democracy.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that the UAE which says it does not accept international treaties and agreements about the ownership of Abu Musa Island, recently called its ambassador from Tehran after Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited the Island earlier this month.

Also, on April 13, the foreign ministers of the six-nation Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) held an emergency meeting in Doha and issued a statement against the Iranian President's visit to the Iranian island.

In reply, Iran said that the visit was an internal issue only related to Iran's state sovereignty.

International documents clearly show that the three islands of the Greater Tunb, the Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa which were historically owned by Iran, temporarily fell to British control in 1903. The islands were returned to Iran based on an agreement in 1971 before the UAE was born.

Iran has repeatedly declared that its ownership of the three islands is unquestionable.

Under the international laws, no state can defy any agreement, which came into being before its establishment.

Yet, the UAE continues to make territorial claims against the Islamic Republic despite historical evidence and international regulations.

