
Similar terror attacks in France possible - expert

Other News Materials 14 November 2015 12:06 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 14


A senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, James Dorsey, doesn't discount that more similar attacks in France are to be expected.

"This was an operation that required a fair degree of organization as well as planning and logistics capacity," he told Trend, commenting the recent Paris terror attacks. "The degree to which it can be replicated and with what relative ease will become clearer as the investigation progresses."

Four gunmen systematically slaughtered at least 87 young people attending a rock concert at the Bataclan music hall.

Some 40 more people were killed in five other attacks in the Paris region, including an apparent double suicide bombing outside the national stadium, where the French president Hollande and the German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier were watching a friendly soccer international. Some 200 people were injured.

Dorsey further said that just like the 9/11 attacks, those that hit Paris are certain to exacerbate communal relations.

The expert also said that the upcoming G20 summit in Turkey on the Syrian issue has become more relevant amid the Paris terror attacks. The summit of leaders of the G20 member countries in Antalya is scheduled to be held November 15-16.

"The Paris attacks are certain to negatively affect European attitudes towards refugees, many of whom are Syrians," he said. "There will also be a harder line towards foreign fighters and those who want to go to Syria."

