Foreign minister of Turkey Ali Babacan sharply criticized apology campaign, CNNTURK reported.
"This campaign can have a negative impact on the ongoing Turkey-Armenia talks," Babacan said.
Around 200 Turkish academics, writers and journalists launched a website issuing an apology to the Armenians regarding the 1915 incidents and calling for people to sign on in support. Over 5,000 people have registered on the website, Turkush media reported.
Armenia and Armenian lobby worldwide state that in 1915 the Ottoman Empire, Turkey's predecessor, committed genocide against Armenians living in Anatolia. Armenians striving to make their statements recognized worldwide have strengthened their propaganda of the so-called genocide in several countries and have achieved recognition of the "Armenian genocide" at several Parliaments.
Babacan said the Turkish Foreign Ministry is especially concerned over the apology campaign. "A number of Turkish diplomats were victim of Armenian terrorism. Therefore, Foreign Ministry is sensible in such matters," Babacan added.