
Azerbaijan says solving migration problem needs multilateral approach

Society Materials 30 October 2018 15:04 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Oct. 30

By Elchin Mehdiyev - Trend:

The presence of more than 260 million migrants in the world is a problem the solution of which requires a multilateral approach, the Chairman of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov said at a conference dedicated to the theme of international and national legislation and operational base in the area of fight against human trafficking Oct. 30.

He noted that the widespread migration creates the possibility of gaining of illegal profits by criminal groups.

"The concept of “migrant traffic” is a reality today, and the discussions are held in this regard in the media and at international events. In particular, the migration flows to Europe from North Africa, Asia, etc. are observed. We also witness such processes and trends in Azerbaijan and try to prevent them," Huseynov said.

He stressed that Azerbaijan has joined all international conventions related to this sphere.

"The harmonization of legislation in this sphere has almost been completed, both the criminal and immigration legislation has been improved. The decrees and orders of the head of state also contribute to development of a healthy environment in the sphere of fight against human trafficking," Huseynov said.

He noted the great importance of participation in this fight of other state agencies in addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Migration Service.

Huseynov said that one of the main areas of activity of the State Migration Service is the regulation of migration processes in the country.

"We are taking measures to identify criminal groups organizing the migratory flow in illegal ways. It is gratifying that the statistical indicators in Azerbaijan in this area show a narrow scale of these figures. But I think this is a sphere where any signal can be a warning of a big threat," Huseynov said.

