
IMF talks on impact of Turkish lira’s depreciation on Azerbaijan’s financial system

Finance Materials 10 January 2022 09:46 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Jan.10

By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) not envisaging any significant impact of the depreciation of Turkish lira on Azerbaijan’s financial system, the financial institution told Trend.

IMF noted that the latest published growth projection in October 2021 projects economic growth in Azerbaijan in 2022 of 2.3 percent.

As for the results of activity of the IMF Regional Capacity Development Center for the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia, the financial institution said that it has been very active in the region, including Azerbaijan.

“In addition to regional workshops and webinars, a number of technical assistance missions to Azerbaijan have been initiated, including on banking supervision, macro-fiscal frameworks, and government finance statistics. In addition to our annual Article IV consultation, the IMF is providing technical assistance to Azerbaijan to help strengthen economic institutions and economic decision making. As mentioned above, there are several ongoing projects in banking supervision, fiscal management, and statistics,” said IMF.


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