
Opposition proposes Archbishop Galstanyan as candidate for Armenia’s PM

Armenia Materials 26 May 2024 18:40 (UTC +04:00)
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 26. Armenia’s opposition movement Tavush for the Homeland has proposed Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan as candidate for the country’s prime minister, Trend reports.

"We have been holding meeting and discussions for a month. We met with representatives from various spheres, political parties and public movements. The absolute majority of people we talked to shared the opinion that Bagrat Galstanyan should be a candidate for prime minister," Gurgen Malikyan, a movement leader, said.

Today Galstanyan asked Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II to remove him from service due to his intention to run for the post of Prime Minister of Armenia.

