
CIS MFAC meeting to take place on April 5 in Uzbek capital

Uzbekistan Materials 11 March 2013 11:50 (UTC +04:00)

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, March 11 /Trend D. Azizov/

The meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS MFAC) is taking part on April 5 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the Press Service of CIS Executive Committee said.

The heads of foreign offices are going to discuss over ten issues related to regulation of interaction of member states in the spheres of politics, security, education, development of physical culture, sport and tourism.

According to the press service, the most important topic on the agenda is the project of the agreement of CIS member states on mutual recognition of documents on higher and higher professional education.

The MFAC meeting participants will also discuss the plan of measures on implementation of the physical culture and sport development strategy in the countries of the Commonwealth and consider the issue of declaring 2014 the Tourism year in CIS.

Moreover, it is planned to discuss and submit for the further consideration of the higher statutory bodies projects of documents aimed at the further development of co-operation in the sphere of security, including the project of CIS concept on fighting crimes committed using information technologies.

The ministers of foreign affairs will discuss the project of the agreement on the order of formation and application of joint expert groups of border agencies for fast response to border security threads on the external borders of CIS.

The issue of introduction of amendments and supplements to the regulations on the coordination council of the heads of fiscal inquiry organs of CIS member states, projects on realization of the plan of multi-level consultations between the foreign offices of two countries for 2012, and the respective plan for 2013.

Regulations on the advisory council of the heads of consular services of the ministries of foreign affairs will also be discussed during the meeting.

CIS MFAC is one of CIS higher bodies that coordinates foreign policies of member states on the basis of decision of the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government including their activities in international organizations.

The Councils of Heads of State and Heads of Government make decisions on the basis of recommendations of MFAC.

The first meeting of MFAC took place in August 1993.

