The Education Minister of Azerbaijan, Misir Mardanov, stated on 15 January at the zonal meeting at School No. 1 in Baku, that directors of schools who employ so-called teachers will be punished.
The Minister stated that such incidents were made apparent at secondary schools during inspections in which he chaired. During the inspections, it was made clear that most of the mathematic teachers have no teaching education. Initial inspections show that most of mathematic teachers are engineers, zoo technicians, veterinaries and other specialists. They have been employed by the directors of schools and regional education departments. I have a list of the offenders and in the near future, the school directors will be punished, the Minister said.
The Minister stressed that such actions cause unemployment to those receiving teaching education. Those teachers who have graduated from Mathematic Faculty of Baku State University and Pedagogical University do not apply for the posts so the school directors and heads of regional education departments employ people who are not teachers. Within the future months, we will complete our inspections and make a final decision, Mardanov stated.