
Azerbaijan, Morocco to discuss prospects of cooperation in youth and sports sphere

Society Materials 28 February 2011 17:22 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Feb.28 / Trend, M. Aliyev /

Azerbaijani Youth and Sports Minister Azad Rahimov will discuss prospects of cooperation in the sphere of youth and sports with his Moroccan counterpart Moncef Belkhayat.

Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Morocco will be realized during Rahimov's visit to this country, the Azerbaijani Youth and Sports Ministry said on Monday.

It is scheduled to hold a series of meetings and visits to sports facilities within the visit.

Moroccan Sports Minister Moncef Belkhayat said that during the informal conference of the European countries' sports ministers, held last year in Baku, both countries' relevant agencies agreed to develop a new document on the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Morocco in the spheres of sports.

