
Kazakhstan developing Kuryk port within framework of Middle Corridor - official

Economy Materials 27 June 2024 17:12 (UTC +04:00)
Kazakhstan developing Kuryk port within framework of Middle Corridor - official
Ali Gasimov
Ali Gasimov
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ALMATY, Kazakhstan, June 27. Kazakhstan is developing the port of Kuryk within the framework of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR, or Middle Corridor), the Managing Director for Asset Management and Project Operations at Kazakhstan's national management holding "Baiterek" Aliya Murzagaliyeva said, Trend reports.

She made the statement during the session "The Eurasian Transport Network: Potential, Challenges, and Solutions" at the EDB business forum in Almaty.

"We see great potential in the Middle Corridor. Kazakhstan has invested a lot in this project, including through Kazakhstan Railways. Now we are paying great attention to the issue of the development of Kuryk port on the Caspian Sea. This is a new port, and it is at a stage of great development. We also go there to finance projects of large companies that want to develop and expand the cargo throughput capacity of the port," she said.

According to her, in general, Kazakhstan, for the second time, has made very large-scale returns to the issue of transport infrastructure.

"The first time was the reconstruction, modernization of roads, railways, and railway branches, and provision of rolling stock. This program has already been completed. Now the government is drafting a new program, the National Infrastructure Plan. Within its framework, Baiterek Holding has a big role to play, and our subsidiaries finance projects of a logistic nature," Murzagaliyeva said.

She noted that since 2015, a lot of funds have been invested to upgrade freight cars, containers, and passenger cars.

"Plus, now on locomotives, we have projects. There will be large-scale repair, modernization, and reconstruction of highways. We are already raising money for these highway development projects. When we started doing this, we saw that there were problems with special highway equipment. We are also starting to work with them, attracting small and medium-sized businesses engaged in road repair and reconstruction," Murzagalieva added.

To note, the EDB 2024 Annual Meeting and Business Forum is taking place in Almaty on June 27–28.

The events feature a series of sessions on the topics of Islamic finance, transport, ecology, energy, and digital technologies.

The Eurasian Development Bank is a multilateral development bank carrying out investment activities in the Eurasian region.

The EDB's authorized capital is $7 billion. The main share in the EDB portfolio is occupied by projects with an integration effect in the areas of transport infrastructure, digital systems, green energy, agriculture, industry, and mechanical engineering.

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