
Azerbaijani official shares plans on construction waste utilization and car recycling

Green Economy Materials 27 June 2024 14:19 (UTC +04:00)
Lada Yevgrashina
Lada Yevgrashina
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 27. Waste utilization and expansion of the application of modern technologies are on the agenda, the head of the Agriculture and Ecology Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Latif Gasimov said, Trend reports.

He made the statement at the International Forum, "Solidarity for a Green World: From Waste to Values for a Sustainable Future."

According to him, the need for sustainable solutions related to waste recycling is on the rise.

"Reducing the amount of waste and its efficient recycling is important for environmental protection," Gasimov noted.

He noted that the work on recycling and neutralizing waste generated as a result of construction work across Azerbaijan has now intensified.

"The process of utilizing old vehicles has also been launched to protect the environment," Gasimov said.

He mentioned that Azerbaijan is going full steam ahead in creating a green economy in all spheres, tackling environmental problems head-on.

"Climate change seriously affects people's living conditions. The upcoming COP29 will create new opportunities for environmental and climate 'health'," Gasimov added.

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