
Kazakhstan unveils current US investment volume

Economy Materials 14 June 2024 18:43 (UTC +04:00)
Kazakhstan unveils current US investment volume
Madina Usmanova
Madina Usmanova
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ASTANA, Kazakhstan, June 14. The US is one of the largest investors in Kazakhstan's economy, with total direct foreign investments exceeding $65 billion, said President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said as he received US Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai, Trend reports.

"Last year, trade between our countries hit a record high of $4.1 billion, marking a 30 percent increase. Currently, over 600 US companies are successfully operating in Kazakhstan. I place great importance on enhancing investment appeal, liberalizing the economy, and supporting industrial development," said Tokayev.

The US trade rep emphasized new strategies for developing trade relations and creating the necessary conditions to strengthen economic cooperation, particularly within the framework of the Trade and Investment Agreement.

The volume of trade turnover between Kazakhstan and the US amounted to $4.1 billion in 2023. The volume of trade turnover increased by 32.7 percent compared to the same period in 2022 ($3.053 billion).

At the same time, exports to the US for the above period amounted to $1.509 billion, which is 30.1 percent more than from January through December 2022 ($1.152 billion).

In addition, imports from the US from January through December 2023 increased by 33.7 percent and amounted to $2.541 billion. In 2022, imports amounted to $1.9 billion.

