
Softline to Hold a Seminar on NetCat Sites Governance System

ICT Materials 10 November 2006 18:00 (UTC +04:00)

Softline jointly with AIST Company are expected to hold a seminar in Baku on November 23. The topic of the forthcoming seminar is Efficient Sites Governance. NetCat Capabilities, Trend reports referring to a message spread by Softline.

The Content Management System (CMS) NetCat of AIST Company is one the leading ones on the Russian market. Universal solution NetCat allows installing and introducing different information systems from plain sites with a minimal content to complex web-systems, portals, trade platforms in mass media, as well as realizing Internet-projects of different natures. The main capabilities of NetCat are as follows: short terms on designing sites against the period of the designing traditionally. The user may govern several different sites on the basis of the one installed system. The system may be installed practically on any modern hosting without installation of additional software. Information management on the site is implemented by one user or a group of users with a possibility to neatly divide the rights of this management. In order to govern sites fully, the user should have ability to work on PC at a level of office programs. There is no need in specialized programming and spacing languages. The site on the basis of NetCat allows using any graphic and animation elements, designer solutions of a different nature. NetCat System is filled with different functional capabilities, for example, ability of interactive contact with the site's visitors, as well as polling, quaternaries, different forums. The designers have a possibility to install additional modules independently.

Information about advantageous of the above-mentioned solution and the online work of its version - NetCat 2.4 is expected to be presented during the forthcoming seminar as well. The seminar will be held by Dmitry Vasilyev, Director General of AIST Company.

