Azerbaijan, Baku, 14 March /corr. Trend D.Khatinoglu / The refusal to register half of the reformatory candidates and creating unequal competition in the parliamentary elections in Iran shows that the elections will not be held in free and transparent manner. "It is impossible to hold transparent elections in Iran," Iranian politician, Huseyin Lajaverdi, reported to Trend .
On 14 March, about 4500 candidates will fight for 290 seats during the parliamentary elections in Iran. According to the official Iranian statistics, 44mln people in Iran have voting rights.
Generally no free elections have been held in Iran for the past 30 years, the Chairman of the Association of the Iranian Researches, Lajaverdi, who functions in France, said by telephone from Paris. The first voting in Iran took place in April 1980 for referendum to announce Islamic Republic. "At that time there were about 18.7mln people having voting rights, but after the voting nearly 22.5mln electors were reported to have attended the elections. In addition, the results of the elections were also falsified for the victory of the former Iranian President, Muhammad Hatemi. Although, there were about 22mln citizens having the voting right, 21mln people were reported to have voted in favor of Hatemi only," Lajaverdi said.
Despite that majority of the Iranian population do not attend the elections, statistic data show 100% voting and that also testifies falsifications, he said. The expert considers that no more than 15% of the population participates in the parliamentary elections.
Other Iranian politician, Alirza Nourizadeh, who functions in London, said that there are identity cards of 6mln dead citizens in Iran's archives, and during the voting Government uses them. "The elections in Iran take place as a show for the international community," Nourizadeh reported to Trend by telephone on 14 March. According to the official statistics, in Iran candidatures of more than half of the reformatory candidates have not been registered for the parliamentary elections.
The Iranian media sources reported that the former Iranian President, Muhammad Hatemi, who represents reformists said that the current Government being comprised of 'radicals' and 'conservatives' creased trap and there is a need to break this 'game'. The foreign and local media sources believe that the conservatives will gain victory.
Iranian politician Isa Sakharkhiz reported to Trend that due to the absence of situation in Iran for holding free elections, majority of population does not display any interest. "Known reformists and independent candidates in Iran were not registered, and the registered candidates from the reformists and other moderate parties are not known amongst population and they did not have enough time and opportunities for propaganda," Sakharkhiz reported from Tehran.
According to him, there are not doubts that 50% of the parliament will comprise of the people protecting the current Government. "The reformists hope to take at least 20% of the seats. But if to look at it optimistically, only 20% of the new parliament will comprise of opposition," said.