Azerbaijan, Baku, May 20 / Trend , U. Sadigova/
The recent event at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy is one of the leverage of pressure on the Azerbaijani government given latest events around the opening of the Armenia-Turkey border, Azerbaijan Social Research Fund President Rashad Rzaquliyev said.
"I do not doubt that it is used today as a range of technologies that directly or indirectly influence the Azerbaijani government," Rzaquliyev said while speaking at a round table on Turkey-Armenia "road map" of political scientists.
A gunman attacked the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy on April 30. The gunman entered the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in Baku and climbed five floors of the building, shooting everyone he met along the way and killed 12, wounded 13 by Makarov pistol.
Rzaquliyev added that the story is rooted deeper than just an attack of mentally unbalanced man on people.
"There is a group of geo-political forces which are concerned about their own interests and their advancing in the South Caucasus", - he said.
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