
Expert: "Fire diplomacy" between Turkey and Israel maximum may ease tension, but not restore former relations

Politics Materials 9 December 2010 16:36 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec.9 /Trend, A.Akhundov/

"Fire diplomacy" between Turkey and Israel maximum may ease tensions between the two countries, but it will not lead to restoration of the former relations, Professor of the Israeli policy of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Bar-Ilan University Shmuel Sandler told Trend over the telephone.

Tensions between the two countries have risen sharply after the May 31 Israeli raid of a Gaza-bound flotilla that killed eight Turks and an American of Turkish origin.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Friday to thank him for sending two fire fighting planes early Friday to put out the forest fire in Israel. Then Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu met with the top Israeli official in Geneva on Sunday.

"Maximum it can lower tensions in the relations, but it will not lead to their restoration,"  Sandler said.

He said the restoration of the former Ankara- Tel-Aviv relations depends only on what is on Erdogan's agenda.

"Erdogan realizes that he went too far but, I think, he does not intend to restore the previous relations. He has another orientation," Sandler said.

The Turkish MP from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Lebanon- Turkey Parliamentarian Friendship Group Chairman Abdurrahman Kurt said the restoration of the previous Turkish-Israeli relations depends only on Israel.

"If Israel changes its policy, then it is possible to restore the previous relations. We are just expecting them to do what they must do. There cannot be any cooperation and friendship under present circumstances," Kurt said.

Kurt said the only way to improve relations between the two countries is Israel's confession of its fault. 

"Our requirements are clear and humanistic. We demand an apology and compensation. Israel must admit its guilt and mistake," Kurt said.

Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul have previously stated that Turkey still expects an apology and compensation from Israel.

Assistance provided by Turkey in extinguishing fires in Israel can help restore bilateral relations deteriorated after Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla on May 31, but it still does not solve the issue, Erdogan said earlier.  

"We have earlier expressed that relations would not be as the same in the past unless these demands are met. Some of our demands have been met but some not. We still demand an apology and compensation," Erdogan said.

Analyst at the Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM) Hilmi Ozev said the last developments in the Turkey-Israel relations can create a possibility to improve the current situation.

