From 15 through 19 May AZERI LT average price, sold by Azerbaijan in Supsa and Novorossiysk port, was $67.82 per barrel or $2.24 per barrel down as compared to the previous week, Trend reports. In this period maximal price of AZERI LT was $68.79 per barrel, minimal - $66.99 per barrel
Last week price of URAL (EX-NOVO), marketed at the Novorossiysk port, was $61.87 per barrel, or $2.46 per barrel down than the average price of the previous week. URAL (EX-NOVO) maximal price comprised $63.17 per barrel, minimal one - $61.18 per barrel.
Brent average price (DTD) was $67.94 per barrel ($2.51 down as compared to previous week). Brent maximal price comprised $69.02 per barrel, minimal price of Brent was $66.77 per barrel.
The density of Azeri Light is 34.6 degrees by API, sulphur content 0.14%. The density of oil URAL is 32 degrees by API, sulphur content - 1.3%. The density of oil DTD is 38.3 degrees by API, sulphur content - 0.36%. The density of URAL is 32 degrees by API, the sulphur content 1.3%. The density of DTD oil is 38.3 degrees by API, the sulphur content 0.36%.
The first tanker with 80,000 tons of Azerbaijani oil Azeri Light will be shipped from the Turkish port of Ceyhan on 28 May 3 June. Now the schedule of oil shipment from Ceyhan is being defined. In June it is planned to deliver several tankers. 1,083,000 tons of oil (8,072 million barrels) of Azeri Light oil was pumped into BTC from May 2005 to 1 May 2006. 10 million barrels of oil is needed for complete fulfillment of the BTC oil pipeline.