
18 architectural monuments restored in Azerbaijan's Shusha

Society Materials 25 May 2024 22:37 (UTC +04:00)
18 architectural monuments restored in Azerbaijan's Shusha
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 24. A plenum on the topic “Problems of preserving historical monuments in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur” was held in Shusha, Trend reports with reference to the Special Representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Shusha.

The plenum was attended by the special representative in Shusha Aydin Kerimov, the executive director of the Office of the State Reserve of the city of Shusha Tural Novruzov, employees of the representative office and reserves.

Chairman of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan Elbay Gasimzade and Rector of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Gulchohra Mammadova met with the participants of the event. It was noted that such plenums play an exceptional role in the restoration of architectural monuments in the territories liberated from occupation.

During the meeting, it was noted that before the occupation there were about 200 architectural monuments in Shusha, but over 30 years of occupation, almost all of them fell into disrepair, and some were completely destroyed. It was emphasized that local specialists play a large role in the restoration process that is being carried out today, and it was noted that 18 architectural monuments have been restored over the past period. In addition, it was emphasized that in order to promote the city of Shusha at the international level and exchange experience, the Shusha Symposium of Architects of the Turkic World was held last year, and a meeting of architects of the Islamic world is planned this year.

