Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Feb. 3
By Mammad Dashdemirov – Trend:
In 2017, the aggregate turnover on Asaka Bank’s plastic card transactions increased by 38.4 percent and amounted to 2.1 trillion soums, the bank told Trend.
Asaka Bank issued nearly 200,000 plastic cards and their total number exceeded 1.9 million to implement the presidential decree "On measures to create favorable conditions for the further development of the non-cash settlement system" dated February 2, 2017.
The bank installed 11,200 terminals, as well as 98 interactive kiosks and 27 ATMs in the field of retail trade and rendering paid services to the population.
Moreover, a new P2P service has been implemented through Payme and CLICK mobile applications, through which the bank’s customers can transfer money online from one card to another irrespective of the issuing bank, as well as pay utility bills and repay loans.
Holders of Uzcard EMV plastic cards may connect to the ‘SMS Inform’ service in ATMs and interactive kiosks. It is possible to receive information about the transfer of funds from account, the transactions carried out in the trade and service network and other information services. As of January 1, 2018, the number of users of this service was 405,700.
The bank was established in November 1995. The bank has 26 branches, 86 mini-banks and 383 offices.
In January-December 2017, Asaka Bank's assets increased by 2.3 times and amounted to 24.3 trillion soums. The bank’s loan portfolio increased by 2.9 times up to 15.8 trillion soums, capital - by three times up to 3.1 trillion soums.
(8,175.77 UZS = $1 on Feb. 3)