Azerbaijan, Baku /corr. Trend U.Ismaylova / To develop the trade relations, the Ukraine prepared proposals at the Business Council of the GUAM countries in Baku to include them in the protocol of the fifth meeting of the Council. The Vice President of the Ukrainian Chamber of Trade and Industry, Victor Yanovsky , stated on the 18th of June at the 5th Council that the proposals include:
- On the behalf of entrepreneurship society of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the GUAM Business Council should appeal to the Presidents, Parliaments and Governments of their countries with a challenge to intensively assist in realizing the agreement on the establishment of free trade zones between GUAM member-countries, creation of favorable legal and economical conditions for the realization of business projects and the improvement and harmonization of the legislations of GUAM States.
- On the behalf of entrepreneurship society, the GUAM Business Council should call on the State bodies to strengthen the control on the prevention of access in falsified products to the internal markets of the countries, ensure single tariffs for the transport communications, apply a single system of mutual indirect taxes for the export and import of commodities (works and services).
- A working group should be established under the GUAM Business Council to study the future movements and realization of the programs of multimodal transportation of cargo.
- Work should be continued within the governments to ensure the application of pre-shipment inspection of export commodities. The participation of the experts of chambers of trade and industry of partner countries should complete the preparation of rules for defining countries of origin from the commodities of GUAM member-countries.
- The State body should consider the issue of laboratories defining conclusions on the quality of the products and assess its conformity with active normative documents.