TEHRAN, Iran, June. 16
Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development said Iran and Syria have put the development of bilateral cooperation on their agenda.
The most important thing that must be implemented between Iran and Syria is to work on activating cooperation of the private sector in various fields of construction, transportation and the financial sector to achieve development and prosperity in these sectors, Mohammad Eslami said, Trend reports citing ILNA.
Upon arrival evening at Damascus International Airport, Eslami, in a statement to journalists, said that the exchanged visits between the two countries might help to develop and enhance economic relations and activating joint work.
Eslami announced the decision of Tehran and Damascus to expand economic cooperation.
"Relying on security in the post-war in Syria, the two countries have put the development of bilateral cooperation on their agenda, especially in the field of construction and civil development,” Mohammad Eslami said.
He went on to say that Iran believes that the two countries should use the capacities of the private sector in the field of industrial and civil development to advance joint projects.
During the four-day visit, Mohammad Eslami is scheduled to meet with the Syrian Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, and other officials, including the ministers of economy, internal trade, housing, and transportation.