On May 16, 18th International Caspian Investment Forum started its work in Prague with 18 speakers and it is a record number of speakers among the forums held so far.
After the registration of participants and welcome coffee networking the forum guests got acquainted with the art and book exhibition demonstrated in the hall of Prague Congress Center. The books of famous poetess Leyla Begim, member of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan, the British Poetry Society, the European Congress of Writers and the founder of the “Natavan” society, as well as Bahram Baghirzadeh, Honoured Artist of the Azerbaijan Republic impressed the participants of theforum.
After the opening ceremony and welcome speech bymoderator Teymur Akhundov, Financial ChainCorporation Czechia Country Manager the forum startedits work. Adish Mammadov, Ambassador of theRepublic of Azerbaijan to the Czech Republic, EgemenBaghish Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to theCzech Republic, Telman Aliyev Caspian Energy ClubChairman, Group CEO and Zaur Gadirov, ManagingPartner of Financial Chain Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Caspian Energy Club Czechia greeted theparticipant and stressed the importance of such event indevelopment of economic relations between thecountries.
Then 18th International Caspian Investment Forumstarted its sessions. First session was called Regulatory Environment: Navigating the Complex Regulatory Framework of the EU and Understanding its Impact on Business Operating within its Borders, speakers of which were Martin Postpisil, Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Policies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Petr Krumphanzl, Economist, advisor, former Chairman of CZ-UKR Chamber of Commerce and Kamil Blazek, Chairman of the Association of Foreign Investments.
Two days 18th International Caspian Investment Forum continues its first day sessions and panel discussions.
It should be noted that the purpose of the event is to expand business ties between countries, create new opportunities for investment and cooperation, as well as exchange ideas about business environment of different countries. Joint Bridges and Caspian Energy Club Czechia are the organizers of the forum held with the participation of both representatives of government agencies and potential partners of the business environment. The platinum sponsor is Financial Chain Corporation. Official support is provided by the Azerbaijan Republic Embassy in the Czech Republic, embassy of the Republic of Turkey in the Czech Republic. Energazer, Philips and Evintel companies aresponsors of the forum.