
China sends its first freight train to Türkiye via new Middle Corridor

Economy Materials 1 July 2024 15:46 (UTC +04:00)
Farid Zohrabov
Farid Zohrabov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 1. The first freight train has been dispatched from China to Türkiye on a new route through the Middle Corridor, Trend reports via the Azerbaijan Railways (ADY).

A train loaded with 110 containers of household appliances and everyday essentials set off from Nanjing, the heart of China's Jiangsu Province, bound for Istanbul on June 28, taking the scenic Central Asia-Caspian Sea-Azerbaijan-Georgia route.

"Currently, cargo transportation between China and Europe is conducted via several routes, including through Central Asia, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Black Sea," ADY stated.

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