
Assets of energy operator to increase in 2011

Business Materials 24 September 2012 14:57 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 22 /Trend A.Akhundov/

The assets of Azerenerji (production and distribution of electric power in Azerbaijan) amounted to 4.992 billion manats in total in 2011, against 4.717 billion manats at the beginning of the year, an increase of 5.83 per cent.This was noted in company's balance report published on Saturday in the official press.

The company's long term assets amounted to 4.58 billion manats at the end of 2011, increasing by 6.76 per cent within the year, the short term assets were 412.84 million manats with an annual decrease of 2.77 per cent.

Estate, construction and equipment (4.19 billion manats) made up the biggest part of Azerenerji assets in 2011. Some 53.97 million manats were accumulated in cash and cash equivalents.

The authorised capital stood at 1.56 billion manats in 2011 against 111.78 million manats in 2010.
The company's aggregate capital as of last year amounted to 1.77 billion manats, increasing by 31.29 per cent compared to 2010.

The company's aggregate liabilities amounted to 3.217 billion manats, decreasing by 4.6 per cent, capital and liabilities in total- 4.992 billion manats with the increase of 5.8 per cent.

Official exchange rate for September 22 is 0, 7853 AZN/USD

