In January-October, 2006, Azerbaijan fulfilled construction works to the total sum of 1745,2 mln. AZN that is 27 %.more versus the corresponding indicator of the last eyar, Trend reports refering to the State Statistiocs Comittee.
According to the Committee, state enterprises engaged in the cosntruction sector fulfiled works to the sum of 355,7 mln., and 1389,5 mln. AZN by private ones
Out of the total volume of construction works,78,5% or 1370,7 mln. AZN fell at new constructions, refurbishments, and extensions, 11,9% or 207,1 mln. AZN - overhaul 4,8% or 84,5 mln. AZN current repair works, and 4,8% or 82,9 mln. AZN other cosntruvtion activities.
Over the ten month of 2006, the face average salary of employees engaged in the construction sphere reached 301,3 AZN on 19,8% more against the corresponding period of the last year.