Azerbaijan, Baku / corr. Trend U.Ismaylova / Jamil Malikov, the Management Chairman of the insurance company MBASK, who is also a member of the organization committee, and the Deputy of the Supervision Council of the Azerbaijani Insurer Association, stated on 27 June that the meeting of the heads of the Association would be held in Baku on the same day.
According to Malikov, Kamal Ibrahimov, the Director General of Standard Insurance and the Chairman of the Supervision council, as well as Hidayat Abdullayev, the Executive Director of the Association, would be attending the meeting. Organizational and thematic issues will be discussed.
Organizational issues would include leasing of the office for the Association, purchasing of vehicles, opening accounts and many other issues. The thematic side would include a discussion of the Association's future operations.
During the Association's 22 June meeting, elections for the Supervision Council, Executive Director, and Audit Committee were held.