Azerbaijan, Baku /corr Trend A.Badalova / The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, simplified a mechanism on the access of the foreign companies to the strategic fields in the country. The non-residents, who did not have an access to the major fields, now were authorized with a right of participating in the auctions on the strategic natural wealth areas.
Olga Gurudeva, a leading analyst of the investment company Antanta, explains this decision by the Russian Government with the foreign companies, as the possession of the necessary technique needed for the development of some fields, whilst the local companies do not have these.
"The local companies do not possess the necessary technology and the equipment for the development of some fields located in the shelf zone, offshore or non-standard approaches required in the exploitation. The foreign companies have readymade methods and technique", Gurudeva stated in an e-mail interview with Trend .
She patricianly mentioned the huge US company Halliburton, which can cut essentially, the term of arrangements and development of the fields through its participation in the joint ventures.
According to the analyst, the recent ban on the establishment of the extractive JVs, was not linked with the Russia's principle position of not allowing the participation of non-residents in the strategic development of the natural wealth.
"The ban on the establishment of extractive the Joint Ventures and some foreign companies leaving from the joint projects, is linked with the terms of the JV, offering the groundless privileges to the foreign partners," she said.