Baku, Azerbaijan, June 24 / Trend , E.Ismayilov/
Changes in the Ukrtransnafta state company's management will lead to coming of people deeply understanding the importance of the Odessa-Brody pipeline in an averse regime, Ukrainian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Boris Klimchuk said at a news conference on June 24.
Earlier, the Supervisory Board of OJSC Ukrtransnafta temporarily dismissed Igor Kiriushin of his duties as Chairman of the Board and appointed Alexander Lazorko Acting Chairman of the Board.
"I hope people who are not only politically, but also economically interested in the averse regime of the pipeline mode will come to management," the ambassador said.
The Odessa-Brody oil project was planned to diversify oil supplies to Ukrainian refineries and transit facilities for the development of the country. Construction of the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline was completed in May 2002. The pipeline has a length of 674 km, diameter - 1,020 millimeters. The pipeline and the terminal's capacity are 9-14 million tons per year. The Odessa-Brody oil pipeline was planned to be used to transport the Caspian oil to Europe. Ukraine unsuccessfully sought to agree on transportation of the Caspian oil vie it in a direct regime within two years since its construction. Not receiving concrete proposals from companies. The Ukrainian government permitted to use the pipeline to transport the Russian oil in a reverse regime in late June 2004.
Thus, since the construction, the oil pipeline has been used in a reserve direction which envisages transporting the Russian oil from Brody to Odessa and further - via tankers through the Black Sea straits.
OJSC Ukrtransnafta (included in Neftegaz Ukraini company) is an operator of Ukraine's oil transport system which covers 18 oil pipeline with total length of 4,569 kilometers, 51 oil pumping stations and 11 reservoir parks with 1,010,000 cubic meters of capacity. A total of 176 pump units with 356,900 kilowatt capacity of electric motors provide the oil pumping station.