
Turkmenneft State Concern announces international tender for satellite equipment

Oil&Gas Materials 29 September 2009 17:44 (UTC +04:00)

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, September 29 / Trend H. Hasanov /

Turkmenneft State Concern has announced the international tender to buy production on the following items on behalf of the commission to choose suppliers of goods.

Item - Rent of satellite segment

Tender proposals are received by October 19, 2009 till 15:00.

You must make a bid (bids are not received from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones) about willingness to participate in the tender by indicating full name of a participant, legal status, a country of registration and bank details;  

- get familiarize with 'Rules of tenders to choose suppliers of material-technical goods for fuel-energy and chemical complex and fishery of Turkmenistan';

- get specification and technical requirements;

- get a package of tender documents by paying $230 per item in the department of Turkmenneft State Concern situated in Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil 56 str.

Packages with tender proposals must be delivered to the above-mentioned address from the moment of published announcement. They will be considered after funds are transferred to the account.

Telephones for reference: 40-39-55, 40-31-17, 40-31-84, 40-31-65;

E-mail: [email protected]

Do you have any feedback? Contact our journalist at: [email protected]

