Deputy IRGC Chief in Information and Communications Tech said here Wednesday enemies' imposed sanctions have led to ever-more technological growth and blossoming in electronics technology field, IRNA reported.
According to IRNA Scientific Desk reporter, Brigadier Hossein Mazloumi added at the opening ceremony of the 4th National Electronic Defense Seminar at Khajeh Nasir Tech University, "The positive effects of sanctions is easily observable both in our universities and at the industrial firms that are active in this hi-tech field."
The Islamic Republic Guard Corps (IRGC) official added, "During the course of the past decade the Islamic Republic of Iran has been witness to eye catching advancements in electronic defense field and particularly during the past five years, keeping in mind the huge investments made in the technological firms, many products in the field have been produced."
He added, "Today diversified types of ESM terminals and other technological products are designed and manufactured by the mighty Iranian engineers and the country's capabilities keep on increasing with the passage of each new day."
The Deputy IRGC Chief in Information and Communications Tech said that the harmony and solidarity between the universities, the industries and the armed forces working all in electronics field is both unprecedented and praiseworthy, adding, "Sponsoring such seminars can further boos that blessed phenomenon, as a dire necessity for the national advancement."
Mazloumi noted that currently 72% of the armed forces' required electronic facilities are designed and manufactured locally adding that Iran is now among the four countries in the world that are capable of meeting the electronic demands of their armed forces by themselves.
The 4th National Electronic Defense Seminar would conclude activities at Khajeh Nasir Tech University on Thursday evening.