Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast says Western sanctions against the Islamic Republic are aimed at crippling the emerging economic powers across Asia, Press TV reported.
"One of the West's objectives behind imposing sanctions against Iran is to hamper the economic growth of the emerging economies in Asia, so they would fail to provide their energy sources in the long-term and in full security from a country like Iran," said Mehmanparast in a Tuesday meeting with Secretary General of Chinese Journalists Union John Xui Shoun in Beijing.
"The US is concerned over the fact that China and some Asian countries are making progress and they [the US] know that if this process continues, countries like China, India and other Asian states will take control of the global economy," he added.
Mehmanparast pointed out that by imposing sanctions against Iran, the West seeks to force the Asian countries to meet their energy requirements under short-term contracts with different suppliers and as a result create disruption in their economic progress.
The Iranian diplomat pointed out that if a country is required to change its energy suppliers on a biannual basis, it will not enjoy a stable economic growth.
Mehmanparast went on to say that in case Iran discovers no new energy resources, the country's oil and gas resources will meet Iran's export goals for 85 years and 150 years respectively, and this highlights the importance of Iran as a reliable energy hub for the Asian economy.
At the beginning of 2012, the United States and the EU approved new sanctions against Iran's oil and financial sectors. The embargoes aim to prevent other countries from purchasing Iranian oil or transacting with the Central Bank of Iran.
The US sanctions took effect on June 28, while the US-engineered EU oil ban against Iran was enforced as of July 1.
Washington and the EU claim that the bans are meant to pressure the Islamic Republic to give up its nuclear energy program, which they claim includes a military component.
Iran dismisses the charge, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it is entitled to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.