North Korea said
Friday it wanted to restart its Yongbyon nuclear reactor as disarmament talks
The controversial reactor's restart was under preparation, the official
South Korean Yonhap news agency quoted a North Korean official as saying.
Foreign ministry official Hyon Hak-Bong said during energy aid talks in the
border truce village Panmunjom that Pyongyang was making "thorough
preparations" to restore nuclear facilities.
"You may say we have already started work to restore them," he added.
North Korea, annoyed as the United States did not - as agreed in disarmament
talks earlier this year - remove the communist state from its terrorism
blacklist, stopped disabling the plutonium-producing reactor in late August and
threatened to restart its nuclear weapons programme.
The United States made Pyongyang's agreement to verification of its disablement
a prerequisite for ending some of its sanctions. At six-nation disarmament
talks in November, North Korea agreed to disable its nuclear weapons programme.
South Korea, one partner in the six-party talks, said in early September that
North Korea had started to rebuild its previously disabled nuclear facilities.
Uncertainty over the health of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, who has not
been seen in public for months, adds to the stalemate.
Pyongyang exploded a nuclear device in October 2006. Analysts
said it would take North Korea less than one year to rebuild what has been
dismantled, dpa reported.