
Brussels airport to ground planes as de-icing fluid runs out

Other News Materials 20 December 2010 19:53 (UTC +04:00)

Flights from Brussels are set to be grounded until Wednesday as airport authorities in the Belgian capital are running out of the de-icing fluid planes need to take off in freezing weather, officials said Monday, dpa reported.

Brussels Airport explained that deliveries from its usual supplier in France had been disrupted by the grounding of lorries that French and Belgian authorities have ordered on the motorways after exceptionally heavy snowfalls.

"Due to a shortage and to problems in the supply of the de-icing fluid for the planes, it will be impossible to take off from Brussels Airport starting from Monday evening," a statement said.

Jan Van der Cruysse, a spokesman, told the Belgian press agency Belga that the restriction would stay in place at least until Wednesday morning.

The official added that Brussels would "remain open" to arrivals, but warned that airlines might cancel flights anyway as incoming planes would then remain grounded at the airport until the de-icing fluid shortage was resolved.

