Washington is open for talks with Russia on issues of missile defense and the entire range of strategic stability, US Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Frank Rose, who is currently paying a working visit to Oslo, TASS reported.
"The United States is open to talking with Russian on a full spectrum of strategic stability whether that's nuclear, missile defense, conventional strike - that full set of issues. Whenever Russia is ready to come to the table and have a discussion with the United Sates on strategic stability we would be open to that," he said.
"I think there will definitively be some issues we will disagree on, but I think it is important to continue the discussions.Despite the challenges in the relationship between the US and Russia, I think it is important to get on record, that implementation of the New START Treaty continues to go well. On-site inspections in both the US and Russia continue, we continue to exchange notifications on movement of our strategic forces. Furthermore, the Bilateral Consultative Commission which was created by the Treaty to work through the implementation issues continues to meet and continues to work through very very difficult implementation," he said.
"It is in our mutual interest to maintain strategic stability and prevent misperceptions and miscalculations," he underscored.