
Over 9.9M tons of goods transited via Iran over 9 months

Business Materials 1 January 2015 16:44 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec. 30
By Fatih Karimov - Trend: Over 9.91 million metric tons of goods were transited via Iran during the first nine months of the current Iranian fiscal year (March 21-Dec. 21).

Mohammad Javad Atrchian, director general of Border Transit and Terminals of the Roads Maintenance and Transportation Organization of Iran, said that 9.43 million metric tons of goods, equaling 95 percent, were transited by roads, showing a 10-percent rise compared to the same period of preceding year, Iran 's Fars news agency reported Dec. 30.

Over 4.48 million metric tons of the transited goods were oil products, meanwhile about 5.42 million metric tons of non-oil goods were transited during the 9-month period, he said.
The transited non-oil goods mostly consisted of home appliances, cotton, construction materials and vehicles, he added.

About 12 million metric tons of goods were transited via Iran in the past Iranian fiscal year (ended on March 21), indicating a 4 percent increase year on year.

Edited by CN

