The Defence Minister has confirmed that Russian forces will complete their withdrawal from Georgia proper by Friday. Anatoly Serdyukov says the pull-back to positions inside South Ossetia will comply with earlier orders given by President Dmitry Medvedev, RT reported.
"During the day, the pullout of all the units from the territory of Georgia will be completed," Serdyukov said on Thursday.
At 6am Moscow time on Friday, he said, Russian units would begin an organised withdrawal from Georgia's territory to South Ossetia.
"Only Russian peacekeeping units will remain at specially equipped security check-posts within the limits of security zones established in line with coordinated security principles, which Russia strictly abides by," Serdyukov added.
Following last weekїs ceasefire agreement, troops attached to the peacekeeping contingent have been stationed in the region to provide added security.
During hostilities, Georgian authorities fled towns in the conflict zone, abandoning civilians.
Russian troops have overseen deliveries of humanitarian aid and maintained order before handing the towns over to the control of Georgian police.