Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, September 23 / Trend , G.Hasanov / Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan will soon hold in the coastal town of Turkmenbashi a seminar on the issue of preserving seals living on the Caspian - the only representative of this family of mammals threatened with extinction.
According to information provided by news service Turkmen Dovlet Khabarlari (TDH), during the past hundred years, the total number of Caspian seals has declined by 90 percent.
Turkmen ministry through the local media reported that the event is taking place within the project implemented with the assistance of the international Darwin Initiative Program (Leeds, UK). The project involves all five Caspian littoral countries.
The agenda includes the use of effective surveillance and monitoring system of seals in the Caspian countries, the use of modern methods of aerial photography and satellite telemetry, the helicopters and ships.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature included the Caspian seal in red list.
International experts consider that the next step is to alter the status of the Caspian seal directly in the littoral states. It is to include them in the national red book, prohibit commercial fishing, strengthening the system to protect habitats of seals, other urgent measures.
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