
Experts: U.S. recognition of "Armenian genocide" can anger Islamic world

Politics Materials 18 June 2010 10:53 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, June 17 /Trend, U.Sadikhova/

Even if the US Congress approves a resolution on the so-called "Armenian genocide" in order to spite Turkey, it will first damage the interests of Washington and set up the entire Islamic world against it, experts say.

"Adopting the resolution is a big blow to U.S. interests. Doing so, the U.S. will openly go not only against Turkey, but the whole Islamic world," former adviser of the Turkish intelligence Mahir Kaynak told Trend.

Turkish analyst believes that the Islamic world, including Arab countries, will protect Turkey, describing it as a move against them.
Pro-Israeli members of the US Congress from the Democratic and Republican parties have warned Turkey that they can support the resolution on "Armenian genocide", which had already been approved in March at the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, the website of the Turkish CNN Turk TV channel reported.

Such decision of the U.S. congressmen, who were not formerly inclined to approve the resolution, was made due to Turkey's rapprochement with Iran, and Turkish government's critics against Israel, which intensified after the Israeli commando attack on a humanitarian convoy - flotilla of freedom. Nine Turks became the victims of the confrontation of the Israeli soldiers and international human rights activists in the Turkish ship 'Mavi Marmara', which was to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which led to the sharp aggravation of relations between Turkey and Israel.
Lebanese analyst, specializing in Turkish politics, Mohammed Nureddin considers warning of the Americans as one of the levers of pressure on Ankara to change its policy in the Middle East.

"A new phase has entered in the relations of Turkey and the United States, where Washington is using all the levers of pressure, including the Armenian issue, to compel the Turkish government to give up the current policy with regards to Israel and change its approach to the Palestinian problem," Nureddin, head of Beirut Center for Strategic Studies, told Trend.

Besides the congressmen, the leading Jewish organizations in the U.S. have decided to no longer block the adoption of the resolution on the "Armenian genocide" in the U.S. Congress, The Washington Times wrote.

U.S. congressmen have warned that the cost that Ankara will pay for its policy towards Israel will be the adoption of the resolution on "genocide."

According to Turkish analysts Ismail Yasha, who works in Saudi Arabia, the Arab countries will fully support Turkey if Congress approves the resolution, but doubtfully they can exert any influence on the position of the Congress.  
"In the Arab world, there are two countries where the Armenians are more influential - Syria and Lebanon, but at a time when relations with Ankara have strengthened, these countries will never take anti-Turkish steps," Yasha told Trend, adding that the issue of "Armenian genocide" is not a priority for Arab countries.

"The Arab countries [even if support Turkey] will not sound the alarm if Congress approves the resolution," said the analyst.

Armenia claims that the Ottoman Empire committed "genocide" against Armenians living in Anatolia in 1915. Making greater efforts to promote the issue internationally, Armenians have achieved its recognition by parliaments in some countries.

However, experts, including the Turkish diplomats, doubt that the U.S. will take such a drastic step, which can harm its own interests.

"For the U.S. the first is its own interests. Turkey and the U.S. are NATO allies, in addition they cooperate in various fields. Everybody knows the position of President [Barack] Obama on Turkey, as well as the position of Ankara towards the U.S. is known," Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic told Trend.
The Turkish diplomat doubts that the Jewish lobby in the U.S. can alienate Ankara and Washington relations, since the two countries have historic and thought-out relations.
"No one can harm them, [vice-versa] the relationship will be expanded and strengthened," said the Turkish diplomat.

This opinion is shared by the Turkish analyst Mohammad Zahid Gul, who believes that no American politician - Republican or Democrat - will harm relations between the U.S. and Turkey.
"Turkey is not Iran. U.S. can not easily make such an anti-Turkish decision, Turkish expert told Trend. The United States has too many interests in Turkey."
For Ankara the statements by the congressmen are a next information attack, so the Turkish government will not react to it, said Zahid Gul.
A former analyst of the Turkish National Intelligence Kaynak also considers adoption of the resolution as a risky move for the U.S. Administration because the consequences will most affect Washington itself.

Kaynak believes that then the U.S. will anger not only Turkey, but the entire Islamic world, which fully supports Ankara's policy in the Middle East.

On Thursday, also it became known the cancellation of the joint meeting of Turkey and the United States on the fight against terrorism, which was to be held in Ankara this month, on the initiative of Washington.
White House spokesman Phillip Crawley said to a press conference that the event was canceled because the U.S. delegation, headed by the U.S. Department of State Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism Daniel Benjamin was unable to attend the meeting as scheduled.
"Turkey is an important ally in the fight against terrorism and the U.S. is waiting for a new program of this event," said Crowley.

R.Hafizoglu contributed to the article.

