Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec. 17 /Trend, M.Aliyev/
The meeting of Azerbaijani Parliament to be held on Dec. 21 will discuss a bill on ratifying the agreement on strategic partnership and mutual assistance between Turkey and Azerbaijan, a member of the parliamentary committee on security and defence Zahid Oruj told Trend.
On August 16 in Istanbul, the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish President Abdullah Gul signed the Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey.
"After ratification in the parliaments and obtaining legal force, this document, signed by the presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey, will be an important step in covering the interests and security in both countries, and will be a new stage in relations between the two countries," said Oruj.
According to the MP, this document gives Turkey real authorities in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. "This means that if this conflict will be resolved by military means, then Turkey will legally acquire authorities to provide necessary assistance to Azerbaijan," said Oruj.
He also assessed the agreement as a document that can withstand future negative relations in the region.
According to the MP, the preamble of the document makes reference to the Kars Treaty signed in 1921. "This is a response to allegations of Armenians that the documents signed in 1921 remained in history and played no role in the protection of Nakhchivan," said Oruj.
Turkish MP Mustafa Kabakchi told Trend by telephone Friday that currently the Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey is not at the Foreign Ministry of Turkey, and after presenting it to consideration in Parliament, the date of its ratification will be specified.